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7 Search Results for Kirchin, Basil

search type: artist - search string: Kirchin, Basil
covermediaartist: title
purch.label/yearmy opinionother inforating
cd Kirchin, Basil:
Abstractions of the Industrial North
purchase Abstractions of the Industrial North v. cool

mp3 Kirchin, Basil:
Charcoal Sketches
awesome from e-music 5

cd Kirchin, Basil:
purchase Particles Some of Kirchin's more jazz influenced pieces are on this album. Some really good stuff here. Still not my favorite of his albums, but very good nonetheless. 4.5

mp3 Kirchin, Basil:
v.good 5

cd Kirchin, Basil:
Quantum - a journey through sound in two parts
great 5

cd Kirchin, Basil:
The Abominable Dr. Phibes
purchase Abominable Dr. Phibes awesome - a really incredible soundtrack 5.5

mp3 Kirchin, Basil:
World Within Worlds
very experimental Kirchin but pretty cool 4.5

end of results